Global logistic & warehousing

Do you develop in Europe and produce in the Far East, or do you work together with a local company there? No problem for us. We have been supplying our customers around the globe for many years. And so we have the necessary know-how in terms of international logistics.

In today's global economic and production orientation of companies, it is all the more important for a reliable supplier and partner to be able to deliver its products to you anywhere in the world.

For many years we have been supplying our customers with high-quality HMI solutions all over the world. MICHEL ITC has locations in Switzerland, Germany and China.

Global logistic & warehousing

We offer the following services:

  • Worldwide warehousing
  • Deliveries incl. invoicing
    Europe/ Europe and Asia/ Asia

We maintain our own warehouse infrastructure or cooperate with qualified logistics companies. Our employees organize deliveries worldwide, including invoicing. You pay either in Europe or China. Simple, uncomplicated and according to national regulations.

Ask us, we will be happy to advise you personally. MICHEL ITC - we take care.

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Logistik & Warehousing

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